January 01, 2012

This is my story.by Luisa Pereira

How HOTD helped me accept Islam.

Tell us a little about you?

My name is Luisa. I’m Portuguese and I live in London. I was a Christian but I changed [my religion] to Islam.

Can you tell us about your journey?

I met a Muslim boy I fell in love with. We decided to get married, but the problem was I was a Christian and he was a Muslim. In my house my family accepted him, they liked him. But the problem was at my church, they didn’t accept him. They said that he was dark, meaning he came from Satan. Initially, I decided to change to Islam because of this boy. I stopped eating haram food, dressing the wrong way and going to church. The problem was that when I stopped going to church, they started to go after my family. They were saying that I was lost, that I didn’t know what I was doing, that this boy was only using me for a visa.

Because of all of these things, I decided to give up. Because of my family. My cousin, who I live with was always upset because of what people were saying about me. They were saying that now that I [had] turned to Islam, I was going to make my cousin’s life a living hell.

Then I went to church on a Sunday and the pastor was talking to me, and was saying that God has a better man for me, that this man was not for me. Unfortunately I listened to him and I decided to go back to church.

I went back to church and  praying as well, but I didn’t leave this boy because I was in love with him. I couldn’t leave him even though the pastor and the people in church told me to. The funny thing is when me and my cousin we went out to have lunch, I told her I couldn't eat that food anymore (haram food). It was like I was disrespecting Allah. To be honest, my desire was to turn [into a] Muslim, but the people from the church were persecuting my family; and the most important thing to me is my family.

Time went by and I was praying to God to make myself strong enough to change completely to Islam, because that was my desire.

Time went past and I decided that I was strong enough to turn Muslim. So I got in touch with Omar from HOTD on face book and I told him my situation. He passed me on to Bano who helped me a lot, but the problem was that she was far from me. When I was ready she introduced me to a sister in London. We talked to each other and we decided to meet. We met each other and we talked for about an hour and a half; when she asked me are you ready to take your SHAHADA? I told her YES, without thinking twice.

We went together to an Islamic Centre and I took my shahada.I felt like I was born again, like something heavy was lifted off my shoulders. I couldn’t stop smiling. I came home and straight away I told my cousin that I have become Muslim.Her reaction was very positive, she was very happy and supportive towards my decision.

People still criticise me a lot, they say that I’ve made the wrong decision. But deep down I know I’ve made the right decision. The moment I start praying I become stronger, even though sometimes I would get upset because I couldn’t pray properly.

Then the sister in London sat down with me and explained to me and taught me how to pray. When I got home I prayed exactly the way she told me, and till today I’m praying and I feel strong.
The bottom line of MY JOURNEY is: I’ve changed my religion because I fell in love with a boy, but I don’t regret it. It was the hardest decision I ever made in my life, but I’m happy and satisfied with it.

One more thing, if this boy by any chance leaves me, I will not leave Islam for anything.

Being Muslim helped me, helped me in being more modest about myself, it helped me respect myself and my body more. I’m happy with my decision.

I hope my story helps others who are in the same situation as me.

Believe in Allah with all of your heart and Allah will honour you.

Thank you so much for sharing your journey Luisa.
Thank You

December 01, 2011


Aku bersyukur,
tatkala Allah menunjukkan ku jalan yang benar,
saat Allah memberikan petunjuk dan hidayahnya.
Kadang aku merasa ketenangan dan kebahagian
yang tidak terungkap oleh kata-kata.

Tapi aku selalu tewas dengan hasutan syaitan dan iblis,
Iman ku tidak sekuat batin ku,
Hati ku tidak sejernih air mata ku yang berlinangan,
Ilmu ku belum cukup untuk aku mengahadapi zaman kehancuran ini.

Aku cuma perempuan yang serba kekurangan,
yang selalu sesat dari jalan yang benar,
yang selalu lalai,
yang selalu melupakan tuhan ku,Allah,
yang selalu meremehkan perintah-Nya.

Sesunguhnya aku seorang hamba Allah,anak,saudara,sahabat dan seorang perempuan yang sangat kerugian.Mungkin neraka tempat ku,tapi aku ingin syurga menjadi istana ku selamanya.

Aku tidak akan berhenti untuk mencuba,
Aku tidak ingin tersesat lagi,
Aku tidak ingin balasan atas segala dosa-dosa ku.

Aku ingin mencintai-Mu Ya Allah,
mencintai nabi ku ,Muhammad s.a.w,
mencintai agama ku ,Islam,
mencintai kitab ku ,al-Quran.

Bantu aku dan saudara ku sesama Islam Ya Allah,
Beri kami ketenangan jiwa,kebijaksanaan minda,kekuatan iman,kesabaran dalam menghadapi ujian Mu,dan berikan la kami petunjuk dan hidayah mu sepanjang masa agar kami,umat Mu,tidak sesat di jalan yang menuju ke neraka Mu.


Al Quran